Coffee table in recycled glass available in the following finishes: “melange terre” ("terre cuite" orange, "noisette" brown and "chocolat" brown) with "chocolat" brown base or "mélange lunaire" ("blanc" white, "sable" beige and "roche" grey) with "roche" grey base. Since this is an artisanal and manual process, the measurements are indicative and the surface may be porous and not completely flat.

Cm (L x W x H)
Ø50 x 50
Ø60 x 47
Ø90 x 37
Ø120 x 27
Inches (L x W x H)
Ø19¾ x 19¾
Ø23¾ x 18¾
Ø35½ x 14¾
Ø47¼ x 10¾
